In case you’ve been hiding under a rock the last few years, you’ve probably heard that there is a movement to reverse diabetes naturally- meaning without medication.

Legally I cannot say that diabetes can be “cured” but imagine getting off diabetic medications and allowing your body to cure itself.

The reason that ANYBODY is sick with ANY disease is because our bodies are too acidic.

What makes us acidic? Our environment, the foods we eat, and the beverages we consume.

So how do we make our bodies less acidic?
You’ll need what is known as Alkaline Water.

Make Your Body Less Acidic With Alkaline Water
I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true. I tried it first hand with INSANE results!

As a matter of fact, I’ll prove it to you.
I’ve had Diabetes for about 10 years and I’ve been trying everything under the sun to get the disease under control. As you can imagine, I have had some success, but nothing that compares to the results I got with Ionized Alkaline Water.

If you’re a Type 2 Diabetic, and are concerned for your health, you should do yourself a HUGE favor and pay close attention to what I’m about to share with you here today.

How Did I Reverse My Diabetes In 30 Days?
Do you need help to get your diabetes under control right now? But, you don’t know where to go or how to get started?

The good news is you’re in the right place because I will share with you WHY you’re suffering from Diabetes.

To put it quite simply, you are suffering from diabetes because there’s just too much acid in your system…bottom line!

The reason you have so much acid in your system is because as our bodies break down the food we we ingest–that process creates acid in our system.

Now, because what we know as water today has been chemically treated to make it “clean” enough to ingest, our bodies are no longer able to absorb the water as we were once able to because of the molecular changes made to the water during the “cleaning” process.

Because the molecules are so big, the cells in our bodies can only absorb about 17% of the water we drink.

Which may not be such a bad thing considering the chlorine and other toxins added to water to make “clean” for drinking.

Alkaline water may be the answer. Depending on the PH level of the water, it can be ingested to help the body cure itself, or used topically for cuts and MAJOR infections!

There’s just so much information I would like to share on this blog, but I think you’ll be better served taking a look at this YouTube video I found that really hit home.

It’s about a man in Japan that had a Diabetic foot ulcer. He was in serious danger of losing the foot, when his doctor in Japan suggested he try the Alkaline Water before moving forward with the foot amputation.

Check it out:

If you’re suffering with diabetes, you’re probably spending and wasting your hard-earned money on the doctor prescribed medication that made you sick in the first place! Were you aware that those same drugs are the ones that are causing damage to your liver and kidneys?

Oh, and by the way, the cost for the drugs/medications is only going to increase as your diabetes gets worse, causing damage to your eyes, heart, limbs, and kidneys.

What is your leg worth to you? How about your eyesight?

We stand by our product and that is why we offer 100% Money Back Guarantee. Use our drops for 30 days as instructed and if you are not happy, we’ll gladly refund your money back (less shipping costs).

Here’s yet another reason to try Travel Water as an anti-bacterial alternative to the harsh and harmful anti-bacterial soaps in the market. It’s been proven that Bacteria and other microbes cannot survive in Alkaline environments.

ABC News’ Dr. Richard Besser and Roger Lee report:
Triclosan is a popular antibacterial chemical that has been on the market for more than 40 years and found in everything from soap to body washes, but recent studies raise concerns that it might be doing more harm than good.

Studies of triclosan in animals suggest that the chemical could increase the risk of infertility and early puberty and other hormone-related problems in humans.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is planning to deliver a review later this year of whether triclosan is safe. The FDA says animal studies “don’t always predict effects in humans.”

The FDA has been working on a review of whether triclosan is safe for nearly 40 years. Its website said the review would be released in 2012, but there is still no sign of it. When asked about a release date, an FDA spokesperson declined to comment because of ongoing litigation. Until this review is finalized, companies are permitted to use the chemical in their products.

The FDA’s ruling, which will determine whether triclosan continues to be used in household cleaners, could have implications for a $1 billion industry that includes hundreds of antibacterial products from toothpaste to toys.

The soap and detergent industry says the concerns about triclosan are overblown.

“The fact is triclosan is safe … has an extensive track record; human health and environmental safety,” Brian Sansoni, a spokesman for the American Cleaning Institute, said.

Meanwhile, some consumer advocates have questioned why the chemical is still being used after the FDA said it has no evidence soaps made with triclosan “provide any benefit over washing with regular soap and water.”

In 2007, researchers at the University of Michigan and other universities compiled data from 30 studies looking at the use of antibacterial soaps. The results showed soaps with triclosan were no more effective at preventing illness or reducing bacteria on the hands than plain soap.

Indeed, the only officially approved use of the chemical is in certain toothpastes after a study showed it helps prevent gingivitis.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Original Article

This problem didn’t even exist years ago when athletes drank tap water which is naturally more alkaline and has a higher pH level than most bottled waters on the market today. The problem today is, most tap water is now contaminated with chlorine, pesticides, fluoride (which has been banned in 98% of European countries), asbestos, arsenic and many other contaminants, which has caused many to turn to bottled water, which has now been shown to be very acidic.

High acidity also causes the body to oxidize internally. The best example of oxidation is when you cut an apple in half and the air contacts it. You can watch it start to oxidize and turn brown right before your eyes. To minimize oxidation inside our bodies, health experts say we should try to eat as many “anti-oxidant” foods as possible and drink non-acidic water. Alkaline water is ANTI-OXIDANT water! When you exercise or play sports, your body naturally builds up lactic acid which needs to be neutralized as quickly as possible to prevent injury to muscle tissue and internal organs. If your body is too acidic before you begin exercising or participating in a sport, you run the risk of serious bodily injury.

Below are just a few cases of the many injuries and deaths of athletes, which could very well be the direct result of being too acidic. Watch the water pH level tests below to see the alarming difference between various bottled waters and alkaline ionized water. If you are an athlete or exercise regularly, don’t take the chance of injuring yourself due to over-acidity. Start drinking alkaline ionized water to ensure sufficient hydration, correct pH levels and proper bodily functions during your activity.

Athletes that overexerted and not properly hydrated

Videos on the Importance of Drinking Alkaline Water for Athletes

by Lawrence Wilson, MD
July 2010, The Center For Development

This short article is intended to bring to your attention the importance of hydration as a factor in health and disease. We have noticed that when people a) drink an incorrect type of water, b) or do not drink enough water, or c) consume sugars, caffeine, alcohol or other things that dehydrate the body, they can become quite ill. Also, all healing is retarded if hydration is not good. So this is a warning article about a very important and somewhat esoteric subject.


While all the mechanisms are not clear, the need for enough water of the right kind is a very basic human need. The body is about 55% water in adults, and up to 65% in young children. Water and hydration are critical to facilitate nutrient transport into the cells, eliminate wastes, and allow the kidneys and the heart to function properly.

An even more esoteric function of water and proper hydration has to do with the regulation of blood sugar metabolism. For example, we find that most diabetics are very dehydrated. When the hydration is corrected, the blood sugar level often decreases easily and quickly. I have a feeling, though I have not had the opportunity to test this hypothesis, that if all diabetics were properly hydrated, many would no longer require as much medication and would have many fewer complications of their illness.

Proper hydration prevents constipation, headaches, and many other important and very symptoms that plague modern humanity. Just recently, a prominent general in the US army collapsed at a hearing. Later it was reported that he was dehydrated, most likely from drinking a lot of coffee.

Copper toxicity is made worse by dehydration, I believe. Perhaps it is due to adrenal stress, which often worsens copper imbalance. Another common condition, especially if one is on a nutritional balancing program, is pain in the lower back over the area of the kidneys. This may go away quickly when one drinks water.

Another common symptom of dehydration is fatigue and a feeling of toxicity. A bad taste in the mouth or perhaps even bad breath may also be subtle signs to dehydration.

More serious conditions associated with dehydration. Among the worst are diabetes and cancer. Please beware. Diabetes, especially, seems to be associated with dehydration in our experience. Many diabetics love coffee, which does not hydrate the body and actually can dehydrate it severely if one drinks enough. By some mechanism this appears to trigger diabetes.
Kidney stones may also develop in those who do not drink enough water. Another common condition is a feeling of fatigue and toxicity. This will often subside immediately when one drinks more water.


Three factors are essential for proper hydration:

1. The correct type of drinking water. The only types of water that I have found that can adequately hydrate the human body today are most natural spring waters, steam distilled water or some tap water (preferably carbon filtered). I know this is a highly controversial idea, as many people drink purified drinking water from machines that use reverse osmosis.

Reverse osmosis does not hydrate the body well. I am not sure why, but this is the case. To avoid dehydration, please avoid reverse osmosis water or any beverage prepared with reverse osmosis water. These include “purified water”, “drinking water”, and many beverages such as bottled teas, sodas, designer waters, sparkling waters or others that are made with reverse osmosis water. This is often listed on the label, but not necessarily. Brands such as Dasani Water and Agua Fina are made with reverse osmosis and should be avoided. Water machines at supermarkets and health food stores, and most water stores also prepare their water using reverse osmosis and should be avoided.

The problem with reverse osmosis water cannot be fixed, to my knowledge, by boiling it, adding minerals to it, or anything else that I have seen. I wish this were not so. The plastic membrane apparently damages the water in a subtle way that is not easy to repair.

Caution: Distilled water should be consumed only for three to six months. The reason is that it lacks minerals and it will eventually begin to leach vital minerals from the body. Most people are already highly mineral-deficient and it will make the situation worse.

Also, avoid the use of most home water distillers. Unfortunately, they do not remove most volatile organic chemicals in the water, and these dangerous chemicals could be concentrated more by these machines. In our experience, a better solution is to buy distilled water in the plastic jugs in the supermarket or other outlets. The industrial distilling equipment seems to do a better job at cleaning up the water. The plastic residues appears to be much less of a problem than the volatile organics in many city water supplies or wells. For much more on which water to drink and why, read Water For Drinking on this website.

2. The right amount of drinking water. Adults need at least three quarts every single day of drinking water. Children need proportionately less. One may make mild teas with this water, but no other beverages are acceptable as substitutes for three quarts of drinking water daily. Preferably do not add sweeteners or even lemon or other fruits to this water, as all contain some sugars and other minerals that can interfere with the hydrating effect of the water.

3. Avoidance of all substances and activities that dehydrate the body. These include:

· Sugary foods and beverages of all kinds. They might include soda pop, lemonade, all fruit juices, or adding sugar, honey, maple syrup, agave nectar, cane juice or other natural sweeteners except stevia to any beverage or food. A small amount of sugar is probably okay, but more is definitely harmful for proper hydration. This may occur because sugar has an osmotic effect on the body tissues.

· Caffeine. Common sources include sodas, energy drinks, and coffees or teas if one has more than one cup daily. Chocolate contains theobromine, a chemical similar to caffeine that might dehydrate the body if eaten in large quantities.

· Alcohol in all forms. Often the most contaminated alcohol products are wine and sweetened wine coolers.

· Some prescription and over-the-counter medications. The most obvious are diuretics. These include thiazides, spironolactone and others. Many over-the-counter drugs contain some sugars or caffeine. A few contain a large quantity of caffeine including some aspirin preparations and others.

· Other factors that can contribute to dehydration. These are living in a warm or dry climate, doing a lot of physical labor or vigorous exercise, especially out of doors or in the sun, sunbathing, taking saunas, or even just spending a lot of time out of doors in the sunshine.


Rule #1. Drink one quart of water, or close to it, before breakfast. Once you are in the habit, this is easier than it may sound. When you wake up, sit comfortably in the living room, perhaps watch the TV or read, and drink a quart-size bottle of warm water before you have breakfast and preferably before even dressing or showering. This will make a great deal of difference.
Drinking water early in the morning is excellent to start your day for other reasons, as well. It often will induce a bowel movement, especially if the water is warm or hot. It will also enable you to begin your day in a peaceful rather than a rushed manner. It also allows you to catch up on the news, perhaps, and settle down before rushing off to work or school. It might mean getting up earlier, but that is not a bad idea as long as you go to bed early enough to obtain 9 full hours of sleep or even more.

Rule #2. Bring water with you wherever you go. Carry small plastic bottles in the car, in your briefcase or on your person when going to work, to school, on social outings, shopping and everywhere else. Ideally, keep a stock of small, convenient spring or distilled water bottles in your car, preferably in a cooler if your car will become very hot during the day. Also, keep these at your desk at work, or wherever you spend your day. If you are at home, do the same thing, keeping bottles of drinking water prominently positioned in the house where you can see them and you are reminded to drink.

Rule #3. Do not skip your water breaks. I find that people find all sorts of excuses why they are too busy, distracted or just lazy and forgot to drink water one day. Set timers every hour, if needed, or do whatever it takes so you are not distracted or become lazy about this.

Professional athletes know the benefits of proper hydration. Some of Travel Water’s biggest fans are professional athletes who have experienced firsthand the benefits of drinking alkaline water.

1. Faster Recovery Professional athletes like Derek Lee, of the Baltimore Orioles drinks alkaline water to recover faster from workouts. The two time All Star player says: “I have more energy and focus and I feel more hydrated”

2. Improved Athletic Performance Eleven-year NFL Veteran Running Back & Super Bowl Champion Femi Ayanbadejo credits alkaline water with giving him more energy and endurance: “The immediate thing I noticed [is that] I have a lot more energy and a lot more endurance.”

3. Better Hydration Dotsie Bausch, professional cyclist, is a five time National Champion & Former World Record Holder. She had a hydration saturation test performed to measure the results after she began drinking alkaline water: “Drinking alkaline water over the past month has greatly increased my hydration at the cellular level.”

4. Joint Health Joel Purma played football as a linebacker for Colorado State for 4 years. He became a firefighter after graduating college. He cites problems with arthritis in his knees as his reason for drinking alkaline water: “I suffered from arthritis in my knees and ankles. However, I noticed that drinking alkaline water alleviated my arthritis, and improved my digestion”

5. Prevent Cramping Kirk Bausch a member of the Amgen Cycling Team turned to alkaline water after he began to suffer from cramping during long road races. He credits his alkaline water from Life Ionizers for alleviating his debilitating cramping: “shortly after using the Life Ionizer my cramping has dramatically decreased”

It’s true – alkaline water helps you stay hydrated when exercising or during extreme bouts of physical training. But did you know that alkaline water can also reduce muscle fatigue during workouts and reduce post-workout recovery times?

The pH level of our body can have an impact on our fitness training. Subtle shifts in our body’s the pH can mean the difference between a high intensity, highly productive workout, or a day where we wear down too quickly with excess soreness the next day.

Acidity & Your Muscles
Athletes know that a major limiting factor in training is fatigue. This fatigue is brought on by a buildup of acids in the body. As your muscles work your body uses glycogen for energy. The byproducts of glycogen are CO2 and acids – lactic and pyruvic. As these compounds buildup in blood and muscle tissue, you begin to experience overall fatigue and muscle weakness which can have a profound effect on your workout.

The natural pH of our muscles is 6.9. As you begin working your muscles the acids produced begin to lower muscle pH. While the body is equipped to maintain its pH level, during physical training or periods of extreme physical exertion the body is often producing lactic and pyruvic acids too quickly for the body to balance.

As the pH continues to drop the muscle reacts by becoming weaker. Once the muscle pH reaches 6.5 it is no longer able to function. Most people have enough common sense to throw in the towel before that point but anyone who has had a good workout knows how draining this type of muscle fatigue can be.

After an intense workout, some are left too tired to do much of anything forseveral hours. In addition, the lactic acid produced in a workout can cause soreness that lasts for days.

The Alkaline Solution
Drinking alkaline ionized water before, during and after workouts not only helps you stay hydrated but can help counter the pH drop that occurs naturally during exercise. The reduced water molecule cluster size allows the body to absorb the fluids more rapidly along with the water’s valuable mineral content while the alkalinity of the water helps neutralize the extra acids being produced.

One of the most common comments I hear from alkaline water drinkers is that they feel they are able to get more out of their workouts with me. I also hear comments about reduced recovery times.

When I train a client I don’t waste their time or money – they know they’ve come for a workout and that’s just what they get. My clients who drink alkaline ionized water on a regular basis say that they no longer need extended recovery times after a workout. When pushing their training to the next level they find that they experience significantly less muscle soreness the Alkaline Atheletes next day.

Many athletes are seeing numerous benefits from drinking alkaline water that they weren’t seeing from drinking typical sports drinks. The reasons that they are seeing these results is pretty obvious when you take a look at the ingredients in normal sports drinks.

Most sports drinks are designed to get the body ready to do more, and can actually produce more acids. Few people realize that the sugar and carbohydrate content in these drinks can also block in absorption of fluids and contribute to dehydration.

Alkaline ionized water is full of antioxidants that help the body to rid itself of acids free radicals produced during a good workout. The smaller water molecule clusters can be absorbed by our cells much easier than regular tap or bottled water.

Alkaline ionized water has no chemical, sugar or carbohydrates added so the body is hydrated more effectively than with sports drinks. Unlike traditional sports drinks which add sodium, potassium, magnesium and other minerals for electrolyte replacement, the electrolysis process used to create alkaline ionized water gives the minerals in the water an electrical charge creating natural electrolytes.

The athletes that have used alkaline water have reported more stamina during the workout, shorter recovery time after workouts, and no sugar crash that would normally accompany a sports drink. A steady intake of alkaline ionized water enables muscles to recover faster, which helps reduce soreness and shorten muscle recovery time.

Written by Austin Buce (Physical Trainer)

Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2006 Jan;70(1):31-7.

Anti-diabetic effect of alkaline-reduced water.

Department of Microbiology, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Korea.

Alkalin-reduced water (ARW) is known to exert several anti-cancer effects, as well as to scavenge reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reduce blood-glucose levels. This study was performed in order to determine the effects of ARW on the control of spontaneous diabetes in Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty (OLETF) rats. We assigned 16 male OLETF rats (4 wk) to two groups: an experimental group, which was given ARW, and a control group, which received laboratory tap water. From week 6 to 32, the body weight, lipid composition, and glucose levels in the blood of the rats were measured. The glucose levels of both groups tended to increase. However, the ARW group’s glucose levels were significantly lower than those of the control group after 12 weeks (p<0.05). The total cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the ARW group were found to be significantly lower than those of the control group during the experimental period. These results suggest that ARW spurred the growth of OLETF rats during the growth stage, and that long-term ingestion of ARW resulted in a reduction in the levels of glucose, triglycerides, and total cholesterol in the blood.

PMID: 16428818 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

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New Medical Research Confirms that Drinking Ionized Alkaline Water Alleviated Metabolic Acidosis in Dogs, Researchers to Begin Human Trials to Confirm Health Benefits

With millions of people suffering from the harmful effects of metabolic acidosis, the fact that drinking ionized alkaline water could be a safe and natural effective treatment for this health condition is a major medical breakthrough. However drinkers of ionized alkaline water have long reported these health benefits outside the medical laboratory.

Medical research report on the health benefits for drinking ionized alkaline water.

“Drinking alkaline ionized water can be considered as a major safe strategy in the management of metabolic acidosis and that human studies would be conducted in the near future to confirm its health benefits in humans.”
Boca Raton, Florida (PRWEB) February 26, 2013

Acidosis is a particularly dangerous condition that results from the buildup of acids in the bodily fluids. Metabolic Acidosis is one of the two classifications of acidosis that can develop in the body. The metabolic form of acidosis occurs when the excess acid cannot be adequately removed from the body by the kidneys.

Recently medical researchers at Mansoura University developed and carried out testing to determine if animals with metabolic acidosis would gain any health benefits from drinking alkaline water. The tests administered both regular tap water and ionized alkaline water to two separate groups of dogs, all with renal failure. The results were that dogs which drank alkaline ionized water showed significant improvement over the ones that drank just the tap water. After completing the animal studies using ionized alkaline water and discovering that there was significant improvement in dogs that were afflicted with renal failure researchers stated: “Alkaline ionized water can be considered as a major safe strategy in the management of metabolic acidosis and that human studies would be conducted in the near future to confirm this issue in humans”(US National Library of Medicine).

Although the medical community in the United States may just be discovering these findings, drinkers of this water have reported this benefit among many other health benefits worldwide for over 30 years.

Ther Apher Dial. 2009 Jun;13(3):220-4. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-9987.2009.00659.x.

Ionized alkaline water: new strategy for management of metabolic acidosis in experimental animals.
Abol-Enein HGheith OABarakat NNour ESharaf AE.

Department of Urology, El Mansoura Urology and Nephrology Center, Mansoura University, 72 Gomhoria Street, Mansoura, Egypt.

Metabolic acidosis can occur as a result of either the accumulation of endogenous acids or loss of bicarbonate from the gastrointestinal tract or the kidney, which represent common causes of metabolic acidosis. The appropriate treatment of acute metabolic acidosis has been very controversial. Ionized alkaline water was not evaluated in such groups of patients in spite of its safety and reported benefits. So, we aimed to assess its efficacy in the management of metabolic acidosis in animal models. Two models of metabolic acidosis were created in dogs and rats. The first model of renal failure was induced by ligation of both ureters; and the second model was induced by urinary diversion to gut (gastrointestinal bicarbonate loss model). Both models were subjected to ionized alkaline water (orally and by hemodialysis). Dogs with renal failure were assigned to two groups according to the type of dialysate utilized during hemodialysis sessions, the first was utilizing alkaline water and the second was utilizing conventional water. Another two groups of animals with urinary diversion were arranged to receive oral alkaline water and tap water. In renal failure animal models, acid-base parameters improved significantly after hemodialysis with ionized alkaline water compared with the conventional water treated with reverse osmosis (RO). Similar results were observed in urinary diversion models as there was significant improvement of both the partial pressure of carbon dioxide and serum bicarbonate (P = 0.007 and 0.001 respectively) after utilizing alkaline water orally. Alkaline ionized water can be considered as a major safe strategy in the management of metabolic acidosis secondary to renal failure or dialysis or urinary diversion. Human studies are indicated in the near future to confirm this issue in humans.


Metabolic acidosis

Acidosis – metabolic

Last reviewed: November 17, 2011.

Metabolic acidosis is a condition in which there is too much acid in the body fluids.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Metabolic acidosis occurs when the body produces too much acid, or when the kidneys are not removing enough acid from the body.

There are several types of metabolic acidosis:

  • Diabetic acidosis (also called diabetic ketoacidosis and DKA) develops when substances known as ketone bodies, which are acidic, build up during uncontrolled type 1 diabetes
  • Hyperchloremic acidosis results from excessive loss of sodium bicarbonate from the body, as can happen with severe diarrhea
  • Lactic acidosis is a buildup of lactic acid. It can be caused by:
    • Alcohol
    • Cancer
    • Exercising for a very long time
    • Liver failure
    • Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
    • Medications such as salicylates
    • Prolonged lack of oxygen from shockheart failure, or severe anemia
    • Seizures


Other causes of metabolic acidosis include:

  • Kidney disease (distal tubular acidosis and proximal renal tubular acidosis)
  • Poisoning by aspirin, ethylene glycol (found in antifreeze), or methanol
  • Severe dehydration


Most symptoms are caused by the underlying disease or condition that is causing the metabolic acidosis. Metabolic acidosis itself usually causes rapid breathing. Confusion or lethargy may also occur. Severe metabolic acidosis can lead to shock or death. In some situations, metabolic acidosis can be a mild, chronic (ongoing) condition.