Prevent and Treat Type 2 Diabetes




“Qualitative, quantitative, and functional perturbations in mitochondria have been identified and affect the cause and complications of diabetes.” — PMC2824521


Mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell, have a key role in establishing immune cell phenotype and their function. Hydrating mitochondria is tricky. The outer layer of mitochondria has positive charged ions that will only let negative charged ions through. This is similar to a magnet where opposites attract. This is why antioxidant liquids (you can measure this by using an ORP meter) are far more efficient at hydrating your cells and it’s mitochondria.


Research papers on the benefits of drinking Alkaline water to prevent and cure Type 2 Diabetes.

Anti-diabetic effect of alkaline-reduced water.
Department of Microbiology, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Korea.

Alkalin-reduced water (ARW) is known to exert several anti-cancer effects, as well as to scavenge reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reduce blood-glucose levels. This study was performed in order to determine the effects of ARW on the control of spontaneous diabetes in Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty (OLETF) rats. We assigned 16 male OLETF rats (4 wk) to two groups: an experimental group, which was given ARW, and a control group, which received laboratory tap water. From week 6 to 32, the body weight, lipid composition, and glucose levels in the blood of the rats were measured. The glucose levels of both groups tended to increase. However, the ARW group’s glucose levels were significantly lower than those of the control group after 12 weeks (p<0.05). The total cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the ARW group were found to be significantly lower than those of the control group during the experimental period. These results suggest that ARW spurred the growth of OLETF rats during the growth stage, and that long-term ingestion of ARW resulted in a reduction in the levels of glucose, triglycerides, and total cholesterol in the blood. PMID: 16428818 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Alkaline water has a profound effect on type 2 Diabetes.
Article from Diabetes Research Society

The following topics covered in this section are below. Click on a particular topic of interest or scroll down to read about all of them.

pH Balance and Diabetes Type 2
Good health and energy begins by drinking ionized alkaline water and having a proper pH balance within your body. A body that is pH balanced is a healthy body. An improper pH balanced body puts a person at risk for degenerative diseases like diabetes type 2. When you are overly acidic, you may become sick, tired, and diseased. Drinking micro-clustered, mineral rich, ionized alkaline water will help you achieve a balanced and healthy pH, which will lead to longevity and good health.

Having a proper pH can moderate or reverse the damages and affects of diabetes type 2.

When acid waste accumulates (metabolic acidosis) in your body, your cells are not able to function properly. When the cells don’t function properly, the organs and body’s chemistry don’t work properly. This includes the organs and enzymes chemicals that regulate blood sugar, which in turn provide energy to the cells. Enzymes and hormones run the body and they are both pH sensitive; especially enzymes. Without blood sugar regulation, the body can become diabetic. The longer a person waits to reduce the acid levels within their body, which will result in a steady decline of health. Often, it will take years before symptoms of complications become noticeable.

If you have diabetes type 2 or symptoms of type 2 diabets, chances are your body pH level is already too acidic and in a state of metabolic acidosis. The impact of diabetes on the body increases the level of acid waste. Failure to reduce the acid and to balance the pH in your body puts you at greater risk for a wide variety of complications such as: circulation, hypertension, cardiac issues, weight gain, vision loss, skin problems, erectile dysfunction, kidney problems, low & high blood glucose levels, and gum disease.

A highly acidic pH level puts the pancreas, liver, kidneys, and all the other body organs at risk. Because of the important role played by the liver in removing acid waste from the body, liver function is particularly at risk when acids accumulate. When acid levels are high within the body, this prevents the liver and pancreas from regulating blood sugar, which increases the risk of getting diabetes type 2.

A diabetic suffers from an excess of glucose in the bloodstream, the glucose that cannot be delivered properly to the body’s cells due to lack of insulin. As glucose builds up in the body, the red blood cells are literally coated in glucose (glycosalated hemoglobin) and when this happens, the red blood cells are in essence suffocated and don’t work right. As the liver absorbs more and more of the excess glucose, its ability to remove toxins from the body becomes impaired. As the toxins multiply, the acid level in the body also increases.

Because glucose is not delivered properly to the body’s cells, the cells start to malfunction. They expel increasing amounts of acid waste. Excess acid filters through the kidneys, causing stress on the kidneys. Some of the acid accumulates in the liver, further damaging the liver’s ability to remove toxins.

Acid that is not filtered out or stored can attach to and harden the cell walls (arteriosclerosis), further preventing the cells from absorbing nutrients. Having a balanced pH is critical to maintaining a person’s health. Consuming a diet rich in alkaline foods and consuming ionized alkaline water will improve your health and help your body reverse the damages acquired over the years from a bad diet.

Eating the right combination of fresh vegetable and drinking fruit juices can help your body break down and destroy excessive acid waste. Eliminate refined sugars and refined carbohydrates from your diet. Sugars and refined carbohydrates make it difficult to control your blood sugar balance, but they also increase your body’s acidity. Carbohydrates put a tremendous amount of strain on the body’s ability to keep blood sugars low. Any carbohydrates not used for energy will be converted to fat and stored throughout different organs in your body. If there are not enough fats and proteins or if these are not available, the body will turn on itself to break down body tissue and bone marrow to support normal bodily functions. As the body makes vital hormones from the fats and proteins you eat, a low fat/low protein diet might also lead to hormone imbalances and osteoporosis.

Low-fat alternatives such as commercial cooking oil, margarine and butter alternatives that have been highly processed often have high levels of trans fatty acids (hydrogenated oils) that cause abnormal cells called free radicals to be formed within your body. Free radicals cause cellular aging in the body and are responsible for most of the visible signs of human aging as well as contributing to the onset of many diseases including diabetes. For more information on this aspect of diet, read what Mary G. Enig Ph.D. has to say about it. Dr Enig is Research Associate in the Lipids Research Group, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Maryland and the nation’s leading authority on the amounts of transfats in foods.

Start by balancing your pH levels by drinking ionized alkaline water, taking supplements, exercising and making eating/diet lifestyle changes to balance your pH.

How Food & Beverages Effect the Health of our Bodies
The Japanese classify human diseases into 2 categories: contagious disease and adult degenerative diseases. As we get older, our bodies slowly break-down from viruses, bacteria, environmental issues and having an improper pH balance. People might get any of the following: cancer, heart disease, hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, gout, kidney disease, chronic diarrhea and constipation, hemorrhoids, asthma, hay fever, allergies, headaches, fibromyalgia, neuralgia (nerve pain), psoriasis, hives, eczema, indigestion, gas, nausea, morning sickness, tooth and gum diseases, obesity, osteoporosis, and leg cramps. Many claim that the underlying cause of these adult diseases is the accumulation of acid wastes in the body.

According to the Japanese, most of these adult diseases are caused by too much acid in our bodies. Medical researchers have been looking for medicine and treatments to cure every kind of disease. Most of these drugs reduce the acidity of the body. As a matter of fact, most pharmaceutical drugs are acidic. Herman Aihara, in his book entitled ACID & ALKALINE, states the following: “If the condition of our extra cellular fluids, especially the blood, becomes acidic, our physical condition will first manifest as tiredness, proneness to colds, etc. When these fluids become more acidic, our condition then manifests as pains and suffering such as headaches, chest pains, stomach aches, etc. According to Keiichi Morishita in his HIDDEN TRUTH OF CANCER, if the blood develops a more acidic condition, then our body deposits these acidic substances in some area of the body so that the blood will be able to maintain an alkaline condition.

The human body contains over 50% or more of water. Different people have different percentages of water in their bodies. Babies have the most, being born at about 78%. By one year of age, that amount drops to about 65%. In adult men, about 60% of their bodies are water. However, fat tissue does not have as much water as lean tissue. In adult women, fat makes up more of the body than men, so they have about 55% of their bodies made of water. Fat men also have less water (as a percentage) than thin men. Being that our bodies contain a high amount of water it is important to drink a lot of healthy water. It all starts with micro-clustered, ionized alkaline water.

The foods we eat and the beverages we drink are the primary sources that contribute to the acidity and alkalinity of our bodies. Each food group has an impact on a person’s internal pH level.

Food and beverages can be put into two groups or categories:
1. acid food/ beverages
2. alkaline food/beverage

Many people consider only the nutritional value of a food rather than the way the food affects the body after it’s consumed. A person should change the way they think and look at how the food or beverage affects the pH of their body. Understanding the way food and beverages effect one’s body, will lead to a healthy, energized body. There are substances that should create alkaline affects but instead they affect the body as an acid would. Let’s look at sugar to get a better understanding. Think about the way sugar is used to help neutralize the bitter “taste” of black coffee. The sugar lessens (neutralizes) the acid taste, but once inside the body, metabolism of the white sugar creates an abundance of acids.

Unfortunately, too many nutritionists and other specialists continue to focus on a food or beverage’s chemical make-up rather than its effects on the body.

What is pH, Acid & Base?
We have been talking about pH, What is pH? Based on a scale of 14, a pH of 7.0 is neutral or the midpoint. The number 7 represents a perfect balance of acid and alkaline. A pH below 7.0 is an acid; the lower the number, the stronger the acid. A pH above 7.0 is a alkaline; the higher the number, the stronger the alkalinity. Blood pH is slightly alkaline (basic) with a normal range of 7.36-7.44.

What is an acid?
An acid is a chemical compound that dissociates in solution, releasing hydrogen ions and lowering the solution pH (a proton donor). An acidic solution has a pH below 7.0. Some examples of acids would be vinegar, orange juice, lemon juice, and aspirin. An acidic environment inside our body supports an unhealthy environment.

What is a base?
A base is also called alkaline, is the opposite of an acid. Some examples of a base substance are baking soda and ammonia. The body needs balance to function optimally, but the number 7 is not necessarily the magic number for all parts of the body. Inside, the body’s biochemical environment prefers to be on the slightly more on the alkaline side. The optimal measurement here actually is 7.39.

The blood however, functions properly only as long as the pH measurement falls within the range of 7.36 (a bit more acidic) to 7.45 (a bit more alkaline). This range of 7.36 and 7.45 is vital to person’s well being. The body will go through great lengths to maintain the appropriate, slightly alkaline, nature of its internal environment. Measurements outside this range significantly compromise the blood’s ability to function properly and can even result in death.

Alkalosis results when the blood’s pH measurement falls between 7.42 and 7.8. Acidosis results when the blood’s pH measurement ranges from 7 to 7.35. Just as our body temperature must be maintained at 98.6 degrees. Just as you feels sick or tired when your body’ s temperature changes one degree in either direction, if the pH range of the blood deviates too far to the acid side, oxygen levels decrease and cellular metabolism slows or stops. Cells might die or get damaged and the body’s immune system is compromised.

When the body is in the early stage of pH imbalance, a person will start to have symptoms such as headaches, allergies, aches and pains. You only feel sick and tired when your body is acidic. Change the body’s pH to a more alkaline state and you will feel better and have more energy; your body will be healthier. If you start to treat your symptoms, whatever they might be, with medications, pills, or antibiotics, the body becomes even more acidic than before. Remember, aspirin and most medications are acidic.

As the imbalance continues to increase, more serious conditions arise, from obesity to all the major diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and cancer. When a body’ s pH becomes too acidic, it’s more vulnerable to degenerative diseases as bacteria and viruses are able to enter and thrive in an acidic environment. Anytime alkalosis or acidosis strikes, some type of physical or mental issues will also be present. When there is an imbalance, the body takes swift action to correct any imbalances in the blood’s pH levels; this is critical for survival. The blood is one part of the body that must maintain stability if it is to maintain the life of a person. An interesting statistic, acidosis affects more than 50% of the population.

Like the blood, the body’s internal biochemical environment functions best when pH levels fall within the range of 7.36 and 7.45. Your body is capable of dealing with measurements outside this range, but will function optimally, as it was designed, when this range is maintained.

Most other organic fluids inside the body as well as body tissues function at different pH ranges. The exceptions are the lymph fluids and the fluids that are inside or that surround the cells. These fluids prefer the 7.39 measurement. The pH of urine can go as high as 7.1 and as low as 4.5 to 5. The goal is to try and get a person’s urine pH to an alkaline state of at least 7.1 pH. The reason that urine can tolerate such a range is because it does not stay inside the body very long; it is regularly eliminated. Other parts of the body that are acid consist of the skin’s outer layer. The skin’s outer layers have a pH of 5.2. This makes sense considering one of the primary responsibilities of the outer skin is to kill microbes so that they do not enter the body. The body’s gastric region has a pH of 2 primarily because it must digest proteins. The colon also is acid, with a pH of 6.8. Other parts of the body are more alkaline. For example, the inner layers of the skin have a pH of 7.35, the small intestine has a pH of 8, and the body’s pancreatic juices have a pH range between 7.5 and 8.8.

It is important is to take steps to return the body’s internal biochemical environment to the proper pH level. Every single one of the health problems that are caused by acidity can be traced back to the acidification of the body’s internal environment.

It’s an undisputed fact of human metabolism that the body must maintain the proper balance of acidity to alkalinity (acid-alkaline balance) in the bloodstream in order to function properly. When the body is not maintaining pH equilibrium within the different organs, then diseases become a part of the body. A growing number of physicians and researchers now believe that even a very small change in the acidity of the blood and the internal environment could be the root cause of numerous diseases.

Dr. Darko Marjetko, MD, Medical Director of Sanoviv Medical Health Institute and Health Retreat, points out that many people live in the state of chronic acidic stress, or low-grade acidosis. When we are speaking about holistic approach, it’s very important to see the small changes inside of so-called normal pH values, says Dr. Marjetko.

Dr. Linda Frassetto, MD, kidney specialist, and acid-alkaline balance researcher, explains that most physiology textbooks don’t consider small changes in acid levels to make a difference in health. €œBut the question is, if you maintain this small difference throughout your entire lifetime, does it have long-term consequences? she asks. Not five or ten years from now, but 60 years or 80 years. Those little fluctuations may indeed have big impact on health. Acidic stress could be the common thread among diseases affecting the bones and joints, the nerves, the intestines, and the kidneys.

The acid-alkaline theory is not new. In his book, A New Health Era, published in 1933, Dr. William Howard Hay maintained that all disease is caused by acid accumulation in the body. While his viewpoint may have overstated the problem, acid-alkaline balance is now witnessing a resurgence in popularity, especially in the light of new research that validates its main principle; first, that factors such as diet, age, lifestyle habits and emotional state contribute to an overly acidic system, and second, that an overly acidic system is a breeding ground’ for disease.

What are Alkaline & Acidic Foods?
It’s important to make the distinction between acidic foods and acid-forming foods. While many foods, such as lemons and citrus fruits, are acidic by chemical analysis, they actually have an alkalizing effect on the body. It all depends on the metabolic end products that are created when a food’s ingredients/compounds are broken apart. For example, when citrus acid a strong organic acid found abundantly in citrus fruits is metabolized, it becomes the strong base citrate, and is further metabolized into bicarbonate, the blood’s preferred buffer.

Nearly all fruits and vegetables, with the exception of tomatoes, cranberries and blueberries, are alkalizing. Nearly all proteins, including dairy products and cheeses, are acid-forming, as are cereals and sugars. Coffee, tea, and wine are notorious acid-producers. Look at the typical American diet and you’ll see why we are an acidic country.

Another causative factor of acidic body is aging. Robert Burns, Ph.D, Chief Scientific Officer for pH Sciences, explains that as we get older, the systems responsible for getting rid of acids in our system, don’t work as well as they did when we were younger. The lungs remove less acid in the form of carbon dioxide, the kidneys aren’t able to excrete as much acid through the urine, and the skin does not transmit as much acidic respiration.

As we age, gradually the lungs, kidneys, skin, and whole body is slowing down, blood pH starts dropping down. A number of studies confirm that aging promotes acidification.
The most efficient way to combat an acidic body or metabolic acidosis is through dietary changes and drinking alkaline water.

Yes you can reverse the symptoms of type 2 diabetes while increasing your energy and becoming healthy.

“I was suffering with diabetes for years now, and I struggled to keep my blood sugar level low. Worst of all, I had to sacrifice what I wanted to eat because of it! To keep it down, I had to take pills twice a day, one in the morning, and one at night.

My friend from New York City introduced me to Travel Water drops, which I use in my meals and drinks. Using 60 drops a day, I’ve lowered my blood sugar level down to 330. After five weeks, it was down to 200, and in seven weeks, it’s now down to 180! It was an easy alternative to taking pills, plus I could eat and drink what I want!

Easy solution to a life-threatening problem!” — Alice P., New York, Diabetic

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